AXYS strive hard to reach our goals of greatly increasing awareness on the X & Y chromosome variations we represent and support. AXYS are linked with many organisations and make representations on behalf of our members to the Australian Human Rights Commission Intersex Reference Group and the Victorian Intersex Advisory Group and participate in focus groups, forums and other events about intersex awareness and education.
From July 1 2024, Australian X & Y Spectrum will become a member of a consortium of organisations that represent people with Intellectual Disability. This consortium is recognised by the Australian Government as a Disability Representative Organisation (DRO). We are a member of the Down Syndrome Australia consortium representing people with intellectual disability, with a focus on chromosomal variations.
AXYS was involved in the consultation for the establishment of the 10 Year National Action Plan for LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing through the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care.
This Expert Advisory Groups has been established to provide expert advice on issues and specific projects that engage with the LGBTI community. The expert advisory groups are made up of community members, clinicians and relevant academics and meet four times a year.