We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form. We would like to invite you to become a member of AXYS to continue your support for us
Becoming a member of AXYS Australia is a great opportunity to be involved and helps us to work towards achieving our goals of, increasing awareness, support and empowering and informing others.
Member benefits include:
• The opportunity to have your say and influence AXYS decisions.
• The right to vote at the AGM.
• Advance notice of the AXYS Annual Conference featuring a variety of
topics on X & Y chromosome variants for adults and parents.
• A regular Newsletter delivered by email
• The chance to meet others affected by X & Y chromosome variants.
• Access to local social support groups and ad hoc meetings across Australia.
• Help and advice in identifying your nearest interested early intervention team and health professionals.
• Great opportunity to help raise the profile of X & Y chromosome variations in Australia.